Monday, September 10, 2012

Thanks for the email they are always good, and it is good to feel some support from home, and I received a letter from sister Schmauder last week that was great.

To answer the Question how I am doing on my mission I was just thinking what I could say. I am doing wonderful.  My mission is the greatest where we can do some real good. My story on my mission hasn't been the one where we have baptized 300 people or been a grand leader, but I know the Lord has been pleased with my work and I have seen how he has changed me to be like him. I have been in gosh darn hard areas and I have seen the miracles that we have received after all of our hard work. Many times I have thought who can we baptize, how can we do it and it is crazy to see how the Lord has given us more than we were hoping. With this family that we have baptized these weeks It has been months were we haven't seen much progress in the work and baptisms, but we worked, we worked we did our part we cried a bit in our sweat, but the Lord was preparing us, teaching us, and taking care of us and we were rewarded with witnessing the gospel changing the lives of a family and to see the whole ward light up with hope and energy to work with us to save our fellow brothers and sisters. My mission is ending fast, but the work is far from over.

Thanks for all of your love and Support

Elder Sands